Monday, July 30, 2007

For those of you who wonder what exactly I do at entrepreneurship conferences, here's one session I helped put together ... (I'm also presenting on entrepreneurial passion and on the "double helix" model of entrepreneurial development -- the one that Idaho uses!)

OK, so you want to learn how social entrepreneurship
s worth all the buzz? Whether you've been at it for a while or a complete newbie, this is for you!
These are the 'best & brightest' and include those who first brought social & sustainable entrepreneurship to academe (Johanna, me, Ana Maria). A wonderful confluence of teaching, research and community engagement!

Ping me at, if I can be of any help!


Academy of Management Preconference –
Saturday, 4 August, 2007; 12 Noon to 3:30 PM

Social entrepreneurship is a premier example of "doing well by doing good." This workshop, specifically designed for doctoral students, explores the following questions. What are the prevailing ideas regarding social entrepreneurship? How are scholars explaining social entrepreneurship? How should social entrepreneurship be explored as a field of study? What are the challenges in pursuing this area of research?

Our goal in this workshop is to provide a venue for discussion and exploration of topics in this emerging area of research. Doctoral students interested in this topic are encouraged to attend. Social entrepreneurship is a premier example of "doing well by doing good." In recent years theoretical and empirical research on social
entrepreneurship has increased. For example, several professional development workshops and papers on social entrepreneurship were presented, well attended and applauded at the Academy of Management, Babson and ICSB meetings in 2006. This workshop is an extension and enhancement of a rapidly self-organizing community of research around the theme of social and sustainable entrepreneurship and economic development. This inclusive community of scholars and practitioners will share their research including theoretical developments, best
practices in teaching and profiles of global social entrepreneurs.

The relevance of social entrepreneurship has been recently validated by the Nobel Peace prize awarded to Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank. Professor Yunus has had significant collaboration with Ashoka Fellows before and since his election as a founding member of Ashoka's Global Academy in 2001. Professor Yunus will be directing some of his $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize Award towards building eye hospitals for the poor in Bangladesh. The idea, sparked by Ashoka Fellow David Green in collaboration with his own organization, Project
Impact, and eyecare partners Aravind and Seva Foundation, will develop an initial five eye hospitals in Bangladesh.

Another significant event that illustrates the importance of the social dimension of entrepreneurship was the conference "Business as an Agent of World Benefit: Management Knowledge Leading Positive Change". This Global Forum, which was sponsored by The Academy of Management and The United Nations Global Compact, was held "October 22nd-25th at Case Western Reserve University and online uniting top business leaders and educators to focus on ways of doing business that are both profitable and succeed in addressing the world's most
pressing social needs. This event united corporate and thought leaders to combine theory with practice to develop strategies for businesses seeking to respond to social issues like the environment, health and poverty while also making a profit." Panelists Ana Maria Peredo & myself attended that - an intriguing exercise.

Participants will present their recent research and best practices to the audience which would then be invited to share their experiences and lessons learned in round table discussions facilitated by the panelists. The intent of this interactive workshop is to expand, enrich and enhance the development of a community of research on
social entrepreneurship. The outcomes of the workshop should include collaborations for articles, books and additional workshops on this important topic. A summary of the outcomes of the workshop will be drafted and shared with colleagues at Ashoka, USASBE, ICSB, AIB and other interested scholars, foundations, organizations and practitioners around the world to build stronger bridges and increase traffic over those connections.

This workshop will have break out sessions that will explore the following questions. What are the prevailing ideas regarding social entrepreneurship? How are scholars explaining social entrepreneurship? How should social entrepreneurship be explored as a field of study? What are the challenges in pursuing this area of
research? What are the best practices in teaching social entrepreneurship? What are some of the best practices of social entrepreneurs that can be used as case studies? How can we obtain funding for research on theory and practice of social
entrepreneurship? What are possible publication outlets for our research? What are the best strategies for getting published in quality peer reviewed journals?

I. Welcome and Overview of Session (20 minutes)
II. Research Perspectives Presentations (50 minutes)
III. Best Practices (Cases and Teaching) (50 minutes)
IV. Coffee/ soft drink break (10 minutes)
V. Breakouts Sessions with facilitators (30 minutes)
VI. Lessons Learned - Report out from breakouts (30 minutes)
VII. Concluding Remarks (20)


I. Welcome and Overview
Recent Conferences on Social Entrepreneurship Research and Practice
Jeff Robinson – Summary report on the NYU event in April (10 minutes)
Kai Hockerts- Summary Report on ISERC3 (10 minutes)

II. Applied Research Perspectives (10 minutes each)
a. Johanna Mair & Ignasi Marti (Institutional View of SE)
b. Norris Krueger (Cognitive [entrepreneurial learning] View of SE)
c. Ana Maria Peredo (Community Entrepreneurship View of SE)
d. Alan Carsrud & Moriah Meysken (Evolutionary View of SE)
e. Questions

III. Practice (10 minutes each)
a. Dianne Welsh (Art House Project)
b. Bayou Bill Schulte (Beyond Intent: Social Actions of Entrepreneurs)
c. Bob D'Intino (Social Entrepreneurship Education/ Micro lending)
d. Susan Davis (Ashoka Update)
e. Tom Dean (invited) (social venture competition)
f. Questions

IV. Introductions of Participants and Roundtable Sessions (Schulte,
Robinson, et al.)

V. Lessons Learned - Report out from Roundtables (facilitators)

VI. Concluding Remarks: Toward a Community of Research and Practice on
Social Entrepreneurship and Suggestions for future publishing and research opportunities (Bill Schulte)

VII. Adjourn and Social Networking

You will NOT want to miss this!
Keep entrepreneuring!

Norris Krueger, Jr., Ph.D.
Teams / Entrepreneurship Northwest
"How can I help YOU to help grow entrepreneurs?"
(208) 440-3747; skype: norris.krueger
"I criticize by creation, not by finding fault" -Cicero

Thursday, July 26, 2007

still working on this one... but if you want "the rest of the story" re Idaho's rankings, read on! NK

We’re Number 37! We’re Number 37!

Idaho is #1 in new firms, according to the annual Development Report Card for the States ( yet we are only #37 in the number of jobs created by those new firms. #1 in firms, yet #37 in creating jobs from those firms? What’s the disconnect?

Who's More Entrepreneurial? The Northwest or the Rustbelt?

The “entrepreneurial” Pacific Northwest states average 6th in new firms, yet averaging 45th in job creation by new firms. Yet, the boring Midwest averages only 43rd in new firms, yet their new firms average 5th in creating jobs. So what is going on?

Are we creating new businesses? Evidently!

Are we creating entrepreneurs who will grow…. And create jobs? Evidently… not.

Here are more stats that paint a pretty clear picture of Idaho's economy. These are also from CFED, but other indexes and scorecards keep showing the same clear patterns

The Good:

Here are areas where Idaho ranks highly -

* We are #1 in patents per capita and lest you think that this is all Micron, HP & INL, we're still #11 in inventor patents. Not too shabby.

* We are #11 in the percentage of our jobs that are in the high tech sector and #12 in R&D spending by industry.

* In terms of having a dynamic economy, we're #6 in 'churning' (business entries plus exits)

That tells us that we are probably pretty good at creating ideas and getting comfortable with a fast-changing economy. However...

The Bad:

Here the story is less encouraging -

* We are short-handed in IT professionals (#38) and even worse for knowledge workers (ranked #44) and they aren't migrating here (#45).

* We're #43 in broadband access to the internet.

* We aren't doing well on the global front either, only #43 in global businesses and #42 in package exports.

* Not only are we #37 in jobs from new firms, we are #41 in jobs created by high growth “gazelle” firms.

* Finally, we are #50, dead last, in manufacturing value-added.

Here's where our shortage of high-growth “gazelle” firms costs us dearly...

Only 0.9% of Idaho workers are employed in manufacturing industries that offer above-average value-added. Less than 1 percent? (The national average is 26.9. No matter how you rationalize it, there's a problem here.) It's more than we have relatively few jobs in manufacturing, our manufacturing is in industries driven by costs and shrinking margins.

And where do you find the most high-growth entrepreneurial firms? In industries where firms add enough value to earn that growth. High value-added industries are where entrepreneurs find the most opportunities for explosive growth.

Yes, we have a tech-driven economy, but we are not creating jobs or wealth. We need to build the tangible infrastructure (e.g., broadband) and the human infrastructure (e.g., knowledge workers and IT professionals). Most of all, we need to start creating businesses that are truly entrepreneurial and create wealth and create jobs.

So What Can We Do?

As I travel around, I get asked all the time “How do we make a place more entrepreneurial?” Yes, we do know an awful lot about what it takes to make organizations and communities more entrepreneurial. Across the US, across the globe, these best practices work.

However, getting people to listen can be tough. One way to do that is that we must never lose sight of the true goal: Creating economic wealth (which usually translates into creating good jobs)! Starting lots of small business simply is not enough.

Even urban Idaho needs to grow its own jobs. Long term, job creation only happens two ways: (1) New startups and (2) Growing businesses. The CFED stats suggest we can be optimistic about the first but really need to obsess about the second.

Creating jobs is very much a human process, driven by passionate, expert individuals. Increasingly, though, policymakers tend to take the bureaucratic view and look from “40,000 feet” –and a corresponding focus on institutions. (If we fund the right entities in industry, academe and government….jobs happen. But where are the humans?)

Brute Fact: Institutions don’t create jobs; entrepreneurs do.

Fortunately, policymakers are returning to the reality that job creation depends on people, on entrepreneurs and those who help them: That you grow an entrepreneurial economy – that you grow jobs - one entrepreneur at a time!

Consider the three key ingredients of job creation. The first two are “innovation assets” (Ideas) and “entrepreneurial assets” (People). Idaho is already investing in supporting those. Both are obviously essential but too often we lack the ingredient #3, what we call “bridging assets”. The critical leverage point is having and supporting those connectors who not only support the first two, but work energetically to proactively connect people, ideas and resources.

States and communities that champion their own champions create a lot more jobs and a lot more economic wealth for their citizens. (p.s. Having lots of gazelles also translates into higher future quality of life scores!)

Fortunately, Idaho has recognized this and begun the arduous, yet rewarding process of building the selfless partnering that generates and supports connecting people, ideas and resources. Led by the Governor’s Science & Technology Advisory Council, Idaho TechConnect, INL, the Idaho Economic Development Association, Idaho’s Economic Development districts and Idaho Rural Partnership, Idaho has begun to map out important new directions to grow jobs and begun to find ways to bring our existing resources into alignment with those needed new directions.

We have ideas and people, now we need to invest in connecting. We need to invest in the people who already know how to do this, they are your connectors.

Maybe the “entrepreneurial” Northwest lags the “boring” Rust Belt for a reason? And just maybe we can reverse that trend – using the power of connecting to grow jobs!


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Where to start? Where to start?

Gulp.... my first attempt at blogging. A little scary for some reason, but there is so much out there to share about entrepreneurship and how to nurture it, so.... let's get busy!

"My main man, Thomas"

The Thomas Register was once described as the "Victoria's Secret Catalog for Industrial Purchasers" - it used to comprise a huge set of hardcover volumes that contained information on a dizzying array of products and components -almost anything you needed to build stuff. (Extensive use of Thomas helped save my sorry entrepreneurial behind!) Alas, the hard-cover days are gone but Thomas lives on in cyberspace.

I strongly recommend going to and playing around with it. It's great for competitive intelligence work - who is in a particular space (or claims to be?) Trying to find info about an obscure product-market niche? While it's a way to find suppliers, obviously you can use tot to ID customers.

While at the site - sign up for their e-newsletter. Each month or so, they send you an e- letter with links to short articles, mostly focused on a specific topic. The one that arrived today looks at procurement. Sometime the topic is a business function (even creativity!) and sometimes the topic is an industry (like CAD/CAM).

They also link to more general news of interest. Usually, those are pretty bland but this one had a nice synopsis of recent work from Harvard that says:

"Don't motivate your employees!" rather...

"Quit DE-motivating them!" LOL - it's not really anything we didn't know, but it drives home the essential point that as managers (and as entrepreneurs) our Job #1 is to facilitate what our employees do - we work for them. Anyway, here's the direct link for your reading pleasure: (and if click on the link containing 'Sirota', that will take you to the original (which has tons of links to other Harvard stuff).

(As an old Caltech guy, I gotta side with MIT over the Crimson most of the time, but this is a nice resource. Besides, MIT can always claim "Car Talk")

Anyway, drop me a note with any comments - maybe examples of how you are able to live up to the article prescriptions? I know it was NOT easy for me and I'm not sure all my students survived my following these principles in class, LOL.

EDIT: Of course, there's the OTHER "Thomas" - - that's the info portal for the Library of Congress, a great way to look up info re government, especially legislation. Give it a whirl! (But only after you explore , LOL)


Norris Krueger, Ph.D.
