Copernican Revolution is Global!
The Copernican Revoution in Entrepreneurial Learning has definitely gone global!
I started typing this on the plane home to Boise from Aarhus, Denmark -- while listening to a duet by Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga (who knew she can really sing? I just need to not, um, sing along...)
Aarhus University is kicking serious butt in entrepreneurship. But it's more than what the school is doing!
It's a very entrepreneurial student body -- the students put together the largest student-designed and run event in Scandinavia, a crazy boat race ( and for more) that:
#1. Draws over 20,000 people -
#2. Despite the vast consumption of beer, etc... never the slightest incident AND
#3. The next AM... not one single bit of litter!
Is it any wonder that it's here where a great experiential entrepreneurship program got launched?
(I know it's good because it's clear that they are making their administrators and colleagues a wee bit nervous. No guarantee but if your dean/president isn't waking up in the middle of the night wondering "what those people up to next?"... you are failing the entrepreneurial community! Laugh... but so far, it's a pretty good marker! Cf. )
I was in Aarhus for a board meeting of the multi-nation PACE project [ ] This time, I helped on the teaching side as they are gearing up for a killer summer school class in July [ ].
PACE is charged with measuring the impact of deep experiential learning in entrepreneurship AND to create new experiential exercises. You can imagine I was having way too much fun! :)
I think we will find some truly striking impacts in a very short time. (But, heck, if TechStars and Startup Weekend can bend a few brains enough in a short time that they don't bend back... why not here?)
The PACE crew is impressive - they have great people running the classes (like Claus Thrane of Aarhus's Entrepreneur Factory), working on the pedagogy (like badass educational psychologist Lene Tanggaard [Read me!]) and running the program (Per Blenker and my amazing friend Helle Neergaard*). I am so honored to just help!
In August, I'm putting on a panel symposium on meauring impact from experiential entrep ed that will showcase PACE along with the killer programs at places like Chalmers, Twente and Aalto and the entrepreneurial leadership program that EO has just developed. Can't wait to throw a few more hand grenades like!
And.. if you know any students, make sure that they check out the new USASBE Launch student competition.. Whoa! []
This weekend's adventure is to beautiful Victoria, BC for the CCSBE conclave... A new paper on neuroentrepreneurship and another edition of teaching the Online Learning Excellence program.
Hey at this rate... Maybe the good guys ARE gonna win! :)
p.s. more links for deep experiential entrep learning:,,
* do i need to change my name to "Krueggaard"?? :)